Welcome back, Class of '75

We are excited to announce that our upcoming 50th reunion is just around the corner, and we can't wait to see your smiling faces once more.

Our reunion is the perfect opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and make new memories together.

The event venue is confirmed, and we’re in the planning stages for a possible additional Friday or Sunday event. So be sure to start making your plans now!

The Saturday evening dinner will take place at the Riverwalk Golf Club in Mission Valley on September 13, 2025

Stay tuned for the latest reunion news, and perhaps even contribute to our science scholarship fund (because hey, we may be older, but we're wiser too!).

So, mark your calendars, and let’s spread the word. Our 50th reunion is going to be one for the memory books!

We can't wait to see you there!

Your Reunion Committee,

Barb Andreen Joslyn

Gaylene Stickney Eisenach

Jody Murray Black

Laura Truesdale Talman

Mikki Nooney

Vicki Wunsch Bryan

Let's Reunite!